Wal-mart selling "naughty" "diva" costumes for your toddler

Oh geez

Published September 24, 2013 2:03PM (EDT)


Here are a few words I would use to describe toddlers:

1. Sticky

2. Cute

3. Expensive

Here are a few words Wal-Mart uses to describe toddlers, vis-à-vis their selection of pint-sized Halloween costumes:

1. "Devil Diva"

2. "Naughty Leopard"

Here are a few words I would use to describe Wal-Mart's selection of suggestively-titled toddler costumes:

1. Really?

2. Come on.

3. We can all agree that this is a little weird, right?

The costumes themselves are pretty innocuous (though the "Devil Diva" is just a touch too bodice-ripping for a child who has probably just mastered not going to the bathroom in her diva shorts), but the names are weirdly suggestive. (And yes, I understand the dictionary definition of "naughty" is tame, but it seems the marketing department behind this one was trading on the more adult innuendos attached to the word.)

Regardless of how you feel about them, clothe your young daughter in these wares at your own risk, parents and caregivers! They are, apparently, made like total shit.

Here is one review of the "Devil Diva" from a deeply unsatisfied customer:

There two annoying tags on headband and tail you can't just rip off you have to cut them off not to damage the cheap fabric.
The tail just velcros on but is so heavy it kinda of undoes the costume and leaves her back exposed .
I'm have to safety pin on more securely.
I would loved to see this come with a pitchfork.

h/t Consumerist via Gawker

By Katie McDonough

Katie McDonough is Salon's politics writer, focusing on gender, sexuality and reproductive justice. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at kmcdonough@salon.com.

MORE FROM Katie McDonough

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